Chapel Stained Glass
Thanks to a generous gift from the Eugene E. and Nell S. Fincke Memorial Trust, stained glass windows have been installed throughout the entirety of the chapel — chancel, transept, nave and narthex.
The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus stands at the heart and center of Concordia Seminary. It is here that the faculty, students, staff and members of the community hear of the Lord’s promises and receive His gifts. It is here where we come together united as the body of Christ to receive His true body and blood. The words and gifts of Jesus mold and shape seminarians into becoming the pastors Saints Timothy and Titus were. In this chapel future pastors learn how to lead worship and the liturgy, preach, sing and pray.
All members of the Seminary community and the public are invited to join with us in daily worship.
The Seminary community and the public are invited to gather for worship in chapel at 9:35 a.m. Monday through Friday when school is in session, or to watch the livestream here. Our weekly worship schedule generally follows the orders of service from Lutheran Service Book (LSB) as follows:
Monday: Responsive Prayer 2 (LSB 285)
Tuesday: Matins (LSB 219) or Morning Prayer (LSB 235)
Wednesday: Divine Service with Holy Communion
Thursday: Matins (LSB 219) or Morning Prayer (LSB 235)
Friday: Service of Prayer and Preaching (LSB 260)
On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 pm, the Seminary community has the opportunity to come together at the end of the day to pray Evening Prayer (LSB 243) or Compline (LSB 253). On Monday evenings, the service of Vespers is prayed in Spanish from Himnario Luterano. These services are held in the north transept of the chapel and are led by students. All are welcome to attend.
Corporate Confession and Absolution is offered Wednesdays at the beginning of each Divine Service. Individual Confession and Absolution (LSB 292) is offered by Interim Campus Chaplain Rev. Dan Gilbert during the week. To schedule a time for individual Confession and Absolution, please contact Chaplain Gilbert at gilbertd@csl.edu. “When I urge you to go to confession, I am simply urging you to be a Christian.” (Large Catechism, Brief Exhortation, 32).
For prayer requests, please log on to SemNet and click on “Resources.” Then, click on “Chapel,” and finally “Prayer Requests.” Throughout the week, we lift up students, faculty, Concordia University System schools, partner church bodies, persecuted Christians, leaders and staff of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and others to be included in our daily worship through prayer and thanksgiving.
Thanks to a generous gift from the Eugene E. and Nell S. Fincke Memorial Trust, stained glass windows have been installed throughout the entirety of the chapel — chancel, transept, nave and narthex.
Several years before the chapel’s dedication, former Seminary President Dr. Karl L. Barth began an effort to gather the necessary resources to construct a freestanding chapel on the Seminary’s campus.