Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Announces New Doctor of Ministry in Homiletics Degree Program
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis has announced the addition of a new Doctor of Ministry in Homiletics degree program. The purpose of the program will be to offer theological leadership and education in homiletics by (1) giving pastors opportunities to improve their skills knowledge, and appreciation of the preaching task; (2) upholding and affirming the Reformation heritage of preaching, particularly its importance and distinctive role in Lutheran theology and the Lutheran church; (3) promoting additional research in the area of preaching which will further the understanding of the practice of homiletics; and (4) understanding and evaluating the changing perspectives and expectations of the role of preaching in congregational life.
Most pastors recognize the challenge of preaching in a culture dominated by electronic media and the influence of a postmodern value system. At the same time, much exciting work has been done in homiletics in the last three decades to assist the pastor as preacher. Concordia Seminary desires to help bring pastors together with these expanding homiletical horizons to improve the preaching in our churches.
The program consists of 54 quarter hours and a final ministry research project in the field of homiletics. Three quarter-hour and six quarter-hour seminars are offered in two-week time blocks in June and January, making it as convenient as possible for pastors to access. Initial classes will focus on recent trends in homiletics, the history of preaching and the relationship of preaching and worship.
For more information, contact Dr. Glenn Nielsen at Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63105. (314) 505-7211; e-mail — ProfNielsen@juno.com.