Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Rev. William W. Schumacher Accepts Call To Concordia Seminary Faculty
Rev. William W. Schumacher has accepted the call extended to him by Concordia Seminary to serve as Mission Assistant Professor of Historical Theology and Assistant to the Director of Resident Field Education for Cross-Cultural Experiences.
Rev. Schumacher is a 1985 graduate of Concordia Seminary. From 1985-95, he served as a missionary under the direction of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Board for Mission Services in the Republic of Botswana, Africa. During this 10-year period, he developed and coordinated lay leadership training (1989-95) and also served as the Missionary Counselor for Botswana and South Africa (1990-95).
In 1996, following his return to the United States, Rev. Schumacher received his Master of Sacred Theology degree from Concordia Seminary and began his study toward the completion of a Doctor of Theology degree at Concordia.
In 1996, he also began to serve as Assistant to the Director of Resident Field Education for Cross-Cultural Experiences. In this position, Rev. Schumacher uses his experience in the mission field to arrange and coordinate cross- cultural experiences for Seminary students, now a required component of seminary formation for all who are preparing to be pastors, missionaries or chaplains and are enrolled at Concordia Seminary. He will continue to provide this important service to the Seminary, in addition to his teaching responsibilities.
Rather than create a separate “missions department,” Concordia Seminary includes at least one “missions professor” in each department of theology. Rev. Schumacher’s service in the department of historical theology will mark the fulfillment of this goal.
“Prof. Schumacher knows well how to integrate the very best of our Lutheran theology into the practice of missions,” said Dr. Andrew Bartelt, Vice President for Academic Affairs at Concordia Seminary. “Historical theology has to do, after all, with the real lives of God’s people in carrying out Christ’s mission. Prof. Schumacher so clearly understands the role of theology in the service of the mission of the church and of this Seminary. He brings a decade of experience as an evangelistic missionary to his classroom and to the lives of our students.”
Rev. Schumacher and his wife, Tamara, have been blessed with three children.
He will begin his new responsibilities July 1.
For more information, contact Lois M. Engfehr, Director of Communications at Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7375.