Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Announces LutherHostel '99
“Joy in the Journey” is the theme for the LutherHostel to be held Sept. 25-28, 1999, on the campus of Concordia Seminary. LutherHostel is an educational event for adults, 55 years of age or above, held every two years. LutherHostel combines presentations by Seminary faculty, attendance at Seminary classes, topical presentations by local experts and plenty of socialization and fun. This year there also will be a tour of the Lutheran historical sites in Perry County, Mo., on Sept. 29, following the LutherHostel.
Host Couple:
Rev. Walter Schoedel and his wife, Leota, will be the host couple. Schoedel is the Director of Church Relations for Lutheran Senior Services, in St. Louis, Mo. He also will be the Sunday morning Bible class leader.
Several faculty members also will be part of the program. Prof. William Utech will be the Sunday morning worship leader. Prof. Dean Nadasdy will lead the participants through an Emmaus Walk reflection experience. Prof. Timothy Saleska, Dr. Bryan Salminen and Prof. Larry Rockemann will give presentations.
Speakers at the event will include Mrs. Marty Lintvedt, a member of the Seminary’s counseling services staff, Dr. Bruce Hartung, Executive Director of the LCMS Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support, and Rev. Joel Hempel, Director of Clinical Pastoral Education at Laclede Groves Retirement Community in St. Louis.
Special Activities:
A carillon concert, tours of Concordia Historical Institute and KFUO Radio station also will be offered.
For more information, contact the Office of Continuing Education by phone (314) 505-7105 or e-mail (oberdeckj@csl.edu).