Concordia Seminary Newsroom
"Mission Fest '99" Emphasizes End of Millennium
“Witnessing at the Turn of the Millennium” was the theme for “Mission Fest ’99” held on the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis campus January 8-9, 1999. The festival featured presentations, activities and displays designed to emphasize mission possibilities for the church as this millennium draws to a close. While adults in the Seminary community heard presentations from various leaders in mission work, children from preschool through high school age were involved in sessions which directed them in writing letters to missionaries and making mission-related craft items.
Dr. Paul Maier, a graduate of Concordia Seminary, professor of history at Western Michigan University and author of numerous books provided the keynote address at the festival. Others who led presentations included Rev. Jerry Kosberg, Director of the Department of Evangelism for The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS), Dr. Douglas Rutt, Area Secretary for Latin America/Caribbean, LCMS World Mission, Rev. Dr. Paul Devantier, Executive Director of Communications for the LCMS, and Rev. Steve Olsen, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Des Moines, Iowa.
As an added opportunity for St. Louis area Lutheran congregations, Dr. Paul Maier presented a day-long seminar on Jan. 8 to assist pastors and laity in taking advantage of opportunities for Christian witnessing afforded by the end of this millennium. Pastors and laity from the St. Louis area, as well as Seminary students, faculty and staff attended the seminar.
The entire mission festival was organized and implemented by “Students in Mission” (SIM), a group of students on the Seminary campus dedicated to mission service and education. Dr. Robert Kolb, Mission Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Seminary’s Institute for Mission Studies serves as the faculty advisor for the group. SIM announced that the next Mission Fest will take place Jan. 7-8, 2000 and that Dr. Oswald Hoffmann, former Speaker for “The Lutheran Hour” radio program will deliver next year’s keynote address.
For more information, contact:
Students in Mission
Concordia Seminary
801 DeMun Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63105