Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Sabbatical Week to Highlight Bioethical Issues
“Bioethical Dilemmas: The Pastor and Family Life Decisions” is the title for the Spring Sabbatical Week 1999 to be held April 26-30 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Case studies and family counseling techniques will be featured in this five-day program designed for pastors and other professional church workers. Sabbatical Week allows participants the chance to take a break from their current ministry and engage in a time of study, worship, and reflection on the Seminary campus.
Dr. Robert Weise, Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Life Sciences at Concordia Seminary is working with Dr. Bryan Salminen, Coordinator of Specialized Testing and Counseling Services, to provide this program. Contemporary ethical issues among the life sciences and the impact such issues have on families will be the focus of the program. Birth control, infertility, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, the withholding and withdrawing of treatment and allowing to die versus killing are examples of such issues.
Participants will hear presentations on topics that emphasize current study and research from a confessional Lutheran perspective. They also will have an opportunity to explore areas of personal interest, accessing both the Seminary faculty and the Seminary library. In addition, participants will have many opportunities for worship with the Seminary community and opportunities for prayer and reflection concerning their ministry.
For more information on Sabbatical Week, contact the Office of Continuing Education at Concordia Seminary by phone (314-505-7105) or e-mail (oberdeckj@csl.edu).