Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Seven Students Receive Calls at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
At Concordia Seminary’s morning chapel service on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1999, seven candidates received calls into the pastoral ministry. The Feb. 3 service took place in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Seminary campus and served as the opportunity for students who will finish their seminary preparation following the winter quarter to receive calls.
The following calls were issued:
Kevin Lee Armbrust – St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church (Associate),
Winston Salem, North Carolina (Southeastern District);
Robert Cleveland Baker – Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, Vero Beach, Florida (Florida/Georgia District);
Jeffrey Dale Geske – Trinity Lutheran Church, McFarland, Kansas (Kansas District);
Warren Lewis Huffines – St. John Lutheran Church, Granite City, Illinois (SELC District);
J. Derek Riddle – Immanuel Lutheran Church, Lindenwood, Illinois (Northern Illinois District).
The following candidates received calls after being prepared in The Hispanic Institute, a program run by Concordia Seminary, though located in Melrose Park, Illinois:
Hiram Nunez – Hispanic Missionary, St. Louis Metropolitan Area, Missouri (Missouri District Board of Missions and Church Extension);
Javier Sierra – Hispanic Missionary, Sedalia, Missouri (Missouri District Board of Missions and Church Extension).
“We rejoice with these men as they begin to serve as undershepherds for the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, Vice President for Seminary Relations at Concordia. “We consider it a privilege to be used by the Lord of the Church to prepare pastors, missionaries and chaplains for His service and we appreciate the high regard the church continues to have for our graduates and for the preparation they have received.”
For more information on candidate calls, contact:
Rev. Larry Rockemann
Vice President for Student Life
Concordia Seminary
801 DeMun Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63105