Concordia Seminary Newsroom
'Call Day' Services Set For April 21
On Wednesday, April 21, many students at Concordia Seminary will discover where they will serve during their vicarage year or where they will serve as pastors. The worship service in which 1999-2000 vicars receive their assignments will take place at 4:00 p.m. Those receiving calls to serve as pastors will receive them at a 7:00 p.m. worship service. Both services will take place in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the Concordia Seminary campus.
“The public is invited and encouraged to attend these services,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, Vice President for Seminary Relations at Concordia Seminary. “This is one of the most important days in the lives of so many in our Seminary community. We encourage as many as possible to be present to share in the joy, celebration and thanksgiving that characterize this special day.”
Vicarage is a one-year experience, similar to an internship. Most vicarages take place in congregations as students gain experience doing many of the ministry functions they will later do as pastors. Yet, they are still classified as students and serve their vicarages under the supervision of experienced pastors who offer additional insight, guidance and evaluation for them.
Most vicars return to the Concordia Seminary campus in order to complete a final year of course work. Following the successful completion of this course work, they receive calls to serve as pastors in The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod.
“Call day is a time of great emotion for our students who will soon graduate from Concordia Seminary, as well as for their families and friends,” added Thomas. “It marks the culmination of many prayers and a lot of hard work and sacrifice. Many smiles and more than a few tears of joy will be seen on this day as those who receive calls realize that it will not be long before they will be serving in the Office of the Holy Ministry, something they began preparing to do at least four years earlier.”
For more information on the April 21 services, contact the Seminary’s Communications Department at 314-505-7375 or by e-mail (engfehrl@csl.edu).