Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Seminary Offers Videos to the Church
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, encourages prospective students and others with an interest in the preparation of future pastors, missionaries and chaplains of the church to view one or both of its two videos. The videos, “A Noble Task” and “Campus Tour,” were developed with distinctly different audiences in mind. Each is available for viewing free of charge.
“A Noble Task” is directed toward those considering seminary preparation. It features seminary students and spouses discussing the joys and challenges of beginning seminary study after leaving their homes, friends, churches and well-established careers. It addresses questions and concerns that are common for seminary students and their families. The video is available free of charge and may be obtained by contacting the Admissions Office at Concordia Seminary by phone at 1-800- 822-9545 or by e-mail (admissions@csl.edu).
“Since more than half of our students are second-career students, this video has proven to be very popular and beneficial,” indicated Rev. Jeffery Moore, Director of Ministerial Recruitment at Concordia Seminary. “While we always encourage prospective students and their guests to visit the Seminary campus and gain first-hand insights into life in our Seminary community, this video is the next-best option to a campus visit.”
The other video, “Campus Tour,” is a narrated tour of the beautiful 72-acre Concordia Seminary campus. It features historic insights into the facilities and explains their significance for the Seminary community. The video is designed for viewing by groups and individuals who have an interest in seeing the Seminary campus and learning more about its history. The video is available free of charge and may be obtained by contacting the Communications Department at Concordia Seminary by phone at 314-505-7378 or by e-mail (liebnaul@csl.edu).
“‘Campus Tour’ is an excellent video for viewing by church fellowship groups, Bible classes, Confirmation classes and prospective students,” indicated Rev. Glen Thomas, Vice President for Seminary Relations at Concordia Seminary. “While we invite and encourage campus visits, we know that a campus visit is simply not possible for many in our church. This video offers viewers the convenience of a tour without the expense and inconvenience of traveling to the campus.”
As a seminary of The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod, Concordia Seminary is pleased to offer these videos to the church at large and encourages their viewing. “We are eager for the people of the church to see the many ways God is blessing this Seminary community,” commented Thomas. “These videos will allow people the opportunity to grow in their knowledge and understanding of where and how their pastors are prepared for service in the pastoral ministry. It also will show them the many ways God is answering the prayers offered by the church for the work that takes place on this campus.”