Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Rev. Randy Walquist Serves as Pastor In-Residence at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Rev. Randy Walquist, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico, was the Pastor In-Residence Oct. 18-20 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The Pastor In-Residence program is designed to have a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod pastor spend three days on the Concordia Seminary campus in order to share his knowledge and expertise with the Concordia Seminary community.
As a part of the Pastor In-Residence experience, Pastor Walquist met with students for discussion in a format called “Fireside Chat” on Oct. 18. He served as preacher during the Seminary’s Oct. 19 morning chapel service. On Oct. 20, Pastor Walquist visited classes and delivered a lecture titled “Loving Leah” to the Seminary community. The lecture covered many aspects of pastoral ministry, including the pastor’s family life, continuing study and devotional life, and experiencing contentment with the current situation in which a pastor finds himself. He indicated a hope that seminarians would use 2 Corinthians 4:5 as a pattern to follow in ministry: “We do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.”
Pastor Walquist is a 1978 graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and has served congregations in Hobbs and Lovington, New Mexico, from 1978-83 prior to accepting the call to Immanuel, Albuquerque.
The Pastor In-Residence program is part of three “in-residence programs” held each year at Concordia Seminary. In the winter quarter, a “Missionary In-Residence” follows the same general pattern of activities for three days on the Seminary campus. In the spring quarter, a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod district president serves as “District President In-Residence.”
For further information on the “in-residence programs” at Concordia Seminary, contact Rev. Larry Rockemann, Vice President for Student Life, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., 63105; (314) 505-7200.