Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Three Students Receive Calls in Fall Placement at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
During the Oct. 20, 1999 morning chapel service in Concordia Seminary, St. Louis’ Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, three students received their first calls into the pastoral ministry of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Rev. Larry Rockemann, Vice President for Student Life and Director of Placement for Concordia Seminary, served as officiant at the service and conferred the calls.
Bruce A. Alberts—First Lutheran Church, Tahlequah, Oklahoma (Oklahoma District)
Michael S. Franckowiak—Trinity Lutheran Church, Exeter, California (California-Nevada-Hawaii District)
Mason Okubo (in absentia)—Professor of Physics, Concordia University, Irvine, California (Pacific Southwest District)
These three men join more than 11,000 graduates who have prepared for the pastoral ministry in Concordia Seminary’s 160-year history. While the majority of candidates for the pastoral ministry receive their calls in the spring placement, usually in late April, a smaller number of candidates are available in the summer, fall and winter as well.
“We share in the joy these candidates feel as they can now look forward to serving our Lord in the pastoral ministry,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, Vice President for Seminary Relations at Concordia Seminary. “We also join the church in praying that the Lord of the Harvest will continue to raise-up additional workers for His harvest.”
Congregations interested in the possibility of issuing a call to a seminary graduate should contact their Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod district president as the first step in the process. Prospective students interested in more information concerning seminary preparation are encouraged to contact the Seminary’s admissions office at 1-800-822-9545 or by e-mail (csladmis@aol.com).