Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Roger Altenberger Accepts Call to Seminary's Deaf Institute of Theology
Rev. Roger Altenberger has accepted the divine call extended to him through The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Board for Mission Services to serve as the director of the Deaf Institute of Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and as the Synod’s counselor for deaf ministries. Altenberger’s responsibilities as director of the Concordia Seminary’s Deaf Institute of Theology include oversight of the Institute’s curriculum and recruitment of students for the program. His responsibilities as Synod’s counselor for deaf ministries include providing counsel and assistance for districts and congregations as they seek to implement effective deaf ministry efforts.
“This is a new shared position between our Seminary and the Board for Mission Services,” explained Dr. Andrew Bartelt, vice president for academic services at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. “It signals not only another collaborative partnership in the service of our church but also a significant step forward in the development of our Deaf Institute. Rev. Altenberger will bring significant vision and leadership to this program.”
Altenberger is a 1974 graduate of Michigan State University and a 1995 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. Prior to accepting the call, Altenberger served as missionary-at-large in the Missouri Synod’s Iowa District East and as pastor of Word of God Lutheran Church for the Deaf in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Information on Concordia Seminary’s Deaf Institute of Theology is available on its web site ( Altenberger can be reached at (800) 433-3954, ext. 1315; e-mail [email protected].