Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Offers Courses Nationwide This Summer
A total of 8 courses will be offered by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in all regions of the United States during the summer of 2001. They are:
May 21-23 – Concordia College, Bronxville, N.Y.: “Chicken Soup for the Soul? Or Sports Drink for the Spirit? How do the Lutheran Confessions view Worship” – This is an examination of the Lutheran Confessions on worship, Word, sacrament, prayer, praise and rite. It will give practice in applying confessional theology to selecting resources and planning today’s services. The course is taught by Dr. James Brauer, professor of practical theology and dean of The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, Concordia Seminary.
July 9-11 – Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Springfield, Va.: “Praying the Psalms” – The book of psalms was ancient Israel’s prayer book and hymnal. It taught them how to pray and praise in a God-pleasing way. The class will show how it can still serve this function for us as we corporately and individually implore and praise the God of Israel through Jesus Christ, His Son, our Lord. This course is taught by Dr. Paul Raabe, professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary.
August 13-15, 2001 – St. James Lutheran Church, Cleveland, Ohio: “Galatians: Paul, People, and Christ” – This course is a study of selected texts from Galatians that define the apostle Paul’s seminal thinking on God, Jesus Christ, humanity and the church. Application of these texts as mission tools for the church’s mission in 21st century America will be made. This course is taught by Dr. Victor A. R. Raj, mission professor of exegetical theology, Concordia Seminary.
August 13-15 – North Dakota District Office, Fargo, North Dak.: “Revelation” – The course will be a pastoral orientation of the message and theology of Revelation as seen through the eyes of St. John on the island of Patmos. The Christology and Missiology of this prophetic work will be the focus as it is presented in the context of Eschatology and in the setting of Revelation’s liturgical Te Deum. The course is taught by Dr. Louis Brighton, professor emeritus of exegetical theology, Concordia Seminary.
August 13-15 – Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Wichita, Kan.: “Journey with Jonah” – Compare and contrast Jonah’s ministerial journey with your own. See how easy it is to fall into career idolatry while neglecting vocational integrity. Witness how Tarshish is still a great temptation…how the belly of a fish creates boldness… how Nineveh still stands in need of renewal. Through detailed analysis of the biblical book while matrixing it with 21st century ministry, the pastoral vocation will take on new depths and joys. The course is taught by Prof. R. Reed Lessing, assistant professor of exegetical theology, Concordia Seminary.
August 15-17 – Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, Colo.: “Practical Pastoral Leadership” – This course provides the pastor with practical insights and resources for his role of overseeing the mission and ministry of the congregation. Although attention will be given to the theology and theory upon which pastoral leadership is founded, this course focuses primarily on practical methods for leading the church in strategic (long range) planning, change and conflict management, staff and lay mobilization, outreach and in-reach. This course is taught by Dr. David Peter, director of the Doctor of Ministry program and assistant professor of practical theology, Concordia Seminary.
August 20-21 – Christ the King Lutheran Church, Memphis, Tenn.: “Bioethics in the New Millennium” – Bioethical dilemmas such as agism, families in search of the perfect child, genes and behavior, including homosexuality, the withholding and withdrawing of treatment, using embryos to make spare organs, cloning, drugged abortions, and dying and death will be approached from the main presupposition of Christian identify. In addition, how should a Christian evaluate the use/abuse issue of biotechnology? Videos, case studies and problem solving approaches will be utilized. The course is taught by Dr. Robert Weise, associate professor of practical theology, chair of Pastoral Ministry and the Life Sciences, Concordia Seminary.
August 20-22 – Hope Lutheran Church, Springfield, Ore.: “Confirmation at the Crossroads” – This interactive course explores contemporary confirmation practices, particularly in regards to the involvement of the family and other significant adults in the training and growth of faith within confirmation age youth. The course is taught by Dr. John W. Oberdeck, associate professor of practical theology and director of continuing education and parish services, Concordia Seminary.
To register for any of these courses, or to gain additional information, contact Dr. John W. Oberdeck, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; (314) 505-7105; [email protected].