Sep 11, 2001 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary's Hispanic Institute Receives LWML Grant

The Hispanic Institute of Theology, operated by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, has received a $50,000 grant from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML). The grant was one of 20 mission projects selected for adoption by LWML members as they met in convention this summer. The grant will be used by the Institute to produce bilingual, interactive, theological education materials for Hispanic individuals preparing to serve as pastors and lay leaders in the United States.

“This grant is going to make it possible for us to develop new courses and also to revise some of our older courses,” commented Rev. Douglas Groll, director of the Hispanic Institute of Theology. “We are now able to do much more with interactive graphics, pictures and maps than we were able to do in the past. We deeply appreciate this grant which will assist us in developing the most effective materials possible for the preparation of those who desire to serve in Hispanic communities.”

The Hispanic Institute, though operated by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is located in suburban Chicago, Ill. It offers three levels of preparation for Hispanic individuals who wish to serve in Hispanic settings. The first program, the congregational level, sometimes also referred as the Certificate level, is intended to offer support to pastors and other church workers in identifying and educating the future leaders of the church. The second program, the diaconate level, is designed to prepare men for church work in evangelism, church planting and other capacities and, in the case of women, serves as an introduction for deaconess ministry. The third program, the seminary level, prepares men for the pastoral ministry in the church through The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod through Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

The Hispanic Institute of Theology operates with two full-time professors at its Chicago location. In addition to Dr. Douglas Groll who serves as the Institute’s director, Rev. Ruben Dominguez serves as assistant director. Professor Leonard Stahlke of Concordia University, Austin, Tex., serves as a part-time professor of the Institute. In addition to these professors, many other pastors serve the Hispanic Institute of Theology as regional and local instructors.

For more information, contact the Hispanic Institute of Theology, 501 W. North Ave. – Suite 407, Melrose Park, IL 60160; (708)343-1395 or (800)677-9833;