Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Prospective Students Invited to Visit Concordia Seminary
A visit to the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, campus is the most effective means of learning about the preparation that leads to service in the pastoral ministry and provides the best possible orientation to life in the Seminary community. The Seminary encourages prospective students and their guests to visit the campus by providing lodging and meals free of charge on campus.
Many prospective students and their guests visit the campus for an individual visit, at a time which is convenient for them. They are able to visit classes, worship with the Seminary community, meet individually with staff in the financial aid and housing offices, and explore the many resources available in the St. Louis area.
In addition to an individual visit, prospective students and their families find that visiting during one of the structured visitation opportunities is very informative and encouraging. These structured visitation opportunities include:
Shepherds of God’s Flock Retreat (Jan. 8-10, 2002) – This retreat is designed for those of college age or older and their guests and involves a study of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions regarding the pastoral ministry and the decision to prepare to serve as a pastor. In addition, participants hear from a panel of pastors, missionaries and chaplains concerning the joys and challenges of their ministry.
Institute on the Ministry (March 7-9, 2002) – This event features numerous presentations concerning academics, aspects of Seminary preparation, financial assistance, housing, schools, employment, etc. An “Information Fair” and “Women’s Information Session” are special features of this event.
For more information, contact the admissions office by calling 1-800-822-9545 or e-mail [email protected].