Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Seminary Faculty Offer Christian Perspective on War
Four Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, faculty members participated in a panel discussion titled, “Is There a God-Pleasing Purpose to War” on Wednesday, Oct. 24, as a part of the Wednesday Convocation series at Concordia Seminary. Profs. Timothy Saleska, Henry Rowold, Charles Arand and David Wollenburg each delivered a five-minute address to begin the convocation. Following these opening remarks, students and staff asked questions of the faculty panel.
The opening remarks from the professors are available on the Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Web site. The page dedicated to the convocations,, contains links that allow for online listening and downloading of the audio file for offline listening. The files are in RealAudio® format.
“It was standing room only in our Presidents Room for this convocation,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, vice president for seminary relations at Concordia Seminary. “This is obviously a very relevant topic, and I think the professors offered our Seminary community a lot to think about and discuss in the future. We are delighted to be able to share their insights with others through our Web site.”
No classes are scheduled on the Concordia Seminary campus on Wednesdays from the time the daily chapel service concludes (approx. 10:30 a.m.) until 12:30 p.m. On many Wednesdays, special guest speakers are invited to address the Seminary community in an hour-long convocation. The speakers cover a broad spectrum of subject areas. Most are Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod members and espouse positions in accordance with the doctrinal position of the Synod. Others are not LCMS members and may espouse positions which challenge the Seminary community. The goal of all convocations is to inform and to stimulate further thought, study, reflection and discussion between faculty, students and others in the Seminary community.
Audio files for other convocations also are available on the Seminary’s Web site. Previous convocations available in audio file format include:
“The Pastor’s Head and the Pastor’s Heart” delivered Oct. 3, 2001 by Dr. Andrew H. Bartelt, professor, exegetical theology; vice president for academic affairs; executive assistant to the president;
“The Need for Expanded Homiletical Horizons – Preaching to Post-Modern (Post-Christian) Listeners” delivered as the opening address for the Ninth
Annual Theological Symposium, “Expanding Homiletical Horizons, Part II – Reaching Out to the People” on May 4, 1999 by Dr. Glenn Nielsen, associate professor of practical theology and director of vicarage; and,
Reaching Out as a Lutheran (Homiletics) delivered as a part of the Ninth Annual Theological Symposium, “Expanding Homiletical Horizons, Part II – Reaching Out to the People” on May 4, 1999 by Rev. David Schmitt, assistant professor of practical theology.
For more information, contact seminary relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; 314.505.7370; [email protected].