Concordia Seminary Newsroom
LutherHostel 2002 Attracts Many
An enthusiastic group of 52 adults, age 55 and above, participated in LutherHostel 2002, held Oct. 19-23 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, occupant of the Gregg H. Benidt Chair in Homiletics and Literature at Concordia Seminary, and former Lutheran Hour Speaker, led participants each day in a study of the “Joy in the Journey” through life as followers of Jesus Christ and children of the heavenly Father. Participants experienced Seminary class instruction and attended presentations by Seminary faculty and local experts on the theme, “Joy in the Journey.” These sessions were interspersed with scheduled times of fellowship and fun.
“This has been a very enriching experience and thoroughly enjoyable,” commented one participant. Another added, “Teachers and students were so considerate and helpful.” A third said, “What a fantastic opportunity you have provided for us to experience ‘Sem life!'”
Dr. Donald Miesner and his wife, Wilma, were hosts for LutherHostel this year. They led evening activities on Saturday and Sunday, and Dr. Miesner led Sunday morning Bible study. Retired from Concordia College, Bronxville, N.Y., he currently serves as a guest professor at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The Miesners also led some of the participants on a trip to the Saxon Lutheran historic sites in Perry County, Mo.
LutherHostel 2002 opened on Saturday evening with a western-style cookout. Other activities included a banquet, student-led evening devotions, Office of Compline led by Dr. James Brauer and the Lutheran Hour Chorus, and tours of St. Louis area Lutheran sites or the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis and the Arch.
The next LutherHostel, “Light for All Ages,” is scheduled for Oct. 4-7, 2003, with an optional tour to Perry County, Mo., on Oct. 8. Rev. Dr. Paul L. Maier, noted Lutheran scholar and author, will be the main presenter for the event. For more information about LutherHostel 2003, contact the Office of Continuing Education, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; or call (314) 505-7123 or e-mail [email protected].