Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Enthusiastic Alumni Attend Seminary Class Reunions
An enthusiastic group of over 200 alumni, spouses, widows and guests attended the Concordia Seminary Alumni Reunions held June 3-6 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. This year’s reunions included graduating classes from years ending in a “3” or an “8.”
The theme for this year’s reunions was “Ministry Today and Tomorrow,” and activities included presentations by members of the various reunion classes. The presenters included Rev. William Marler (Class of 1983), pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, Springfield, Mo., who presented “Ministry After Ordination.” Dr. Daniel Mattson (Class of 1968), director of theological studies for the LCMS Board for Mission Services, presented “Ministry in Unique Groups and Cultures.” Rev. Larry Stotterau (Class of 1973), president of the Pacific Southwest District, presented “Ministry in the Congregation and Beyond.” Dr. John F. Johnson (Class of 1975), president of Concordia Seminary, addressed the alumni regarding current events and future plans at the Seminary.
A special vespers worship service was held June 5 with Dr. Johnson serving as preacher. The offering at the service was dedicated to the Concordia Seminary John E. Meyer Memorial Alumni Book Endowment Fund, which assists Concordia Seminary students with the purchase of textbooks and other theological resources.
Special activities for women included a June 4 breakfast hosted by Ruth Ann Johnson and a trip to the Seminary South Campus (Christian Brothers College). On June 5, women attended a special brunch hosted by the Concordia Seminary Guild. Reunion activities culminated with a June 5 banquet held in the Seminary’s Wartburg Hall. At the banquet, Rev. Ewald L. Stuempfig (Class of 1933) was honored with the Erwin T. Koch Award, an award given to the oldest reunion attendee.
Class reunions planned for 2004 will include classes whose graduating years end in a “4” or a “9” with 1999 being the most recent class invited to participate.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting the office of Alumni Activities, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; 314-505-7370; [email protected].