Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Summer Greek Enrollment Increases at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, announces a 12 percent increase in enrollment for summer Greek classes. Fifty-five students are currently enrolled in the classes, compared to 49 last year. Competence in Biblical Greek is required of all incoming first-year students preparing to serve as pastors in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
“We’ve gotten off to a lively start, as is customary,” commented Dr. Bruce Schuchard, assistant professor of exegetical theology and dean of the graduate school at Concordia Seminary. “The summer session provides for attention to Greek, and to Greek alone, which is most welcome. The class has been jelling nicely as a group, and it has been a pleasure to be so closely involved with the students in this first part of their experience now as students at the Seminary.”
The increased number of students enrolled in summer Greek classes reflects a dramatically increasing enrollment of new students expected this fall. For the week ending June 27, Concordia Seminary had received 238 applications from those desiring to enroll this fall. This compares with 197 during the same week last year and 165 two years ago.
For more information on Seminary enrollment, contact the Seminary’s admissions office by phone at 1-800-822-9545, or by e-mail ([email protected]), or by writing to: Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105. Substantial admission information is also available on the Seminary’s Web site: