Dec 19, 2003 Print This Article

Six New Students Enroll at Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce that six new students began their preparation to serve as Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) pastors at the beginning of the Winter Quarter on Dec. 1, 2003. The new students are:

Rex Casner – Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Wichita, Kansas (Kansas District);
Richard Futrell – Zion Lutheran Church, Mascoutah, Illinois (Southern Illinois
Kevin McReynolds – Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Lincoln, Nebraska (Nebraska
Adefris Habte Mekasha – Concordia Lutheran Church, Louisville, Kentucky (Indiana
Jacob Parsons, Light of the Hills Lutheran Church, Irvine, California (Pacific
Southwest District); and
Douglas Poss – Faith Lutheran Church, Corning, New York (Eastern District).

These six new students join the 178 new pastoral ministry students who began the Seminary’s 165th academic year. This incoming class was the largest incoming class at Concordia Seminary in 32 years and marked a 44 percent increase over last year’s 124 new students. The 178 new students included only residential students who are preparing to serve as pastors in the LCMS. Of the 178 new students, 166 are enrolled in the master of divinity degree program (a 52 percent increase over last year’s 109 new master of divinity degree program students), and 12 are enrolled in the certificate (alternate route) program.

The trend of surging enrollment at Concordia Seminary began four years ago, when the Seminary’s Board of Regents took the bold step of initiating a Full-Tuition Partnership for all residential students preparing to serve as pastors in the LCMS. This partnership involves a student’s home congregation, home district and gifts from donors to Concordia Seminary in covering tuition costs.

“The people of the church have played a large role in this enrollment increase as they have provided not only their prayers, but also the financial resources necessary to cover tuition costs for our future pastors,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, vice president for seminary relations at Concordia Seminary. “Yet the incredible enrollment surge has produced a daunting fiscal challenge, and we appeal to congregations, groups and individuals throughout the church to continue their generous support of our future pastors.”

Those contemplating Seminary enrollment and preparation to serve in the pastoral ministry are invited to contact Concordia Seminary’s Admissions Office at 1-800-822-9545 or [email protected]. Those wishing to offer financial gifts in [email protected]. Donors also may utilize the Seminary’s online donation function on its Web site ( A credit card may be used to make an offering for the Full-Tuition Partnership.