Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary 2004 Alumni Reunions Registration Begins
Registrations are now being accepted for the 2004 alumni reunions at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. More than 1,200 Seminary alumni, spouses and widows will receive an invitation to attend their alumni reunions, which will be held June 1-4 on the Seminary campus. The event is open to graduating classes from years ending in a “4” or a “9”.
“The reunions mailing which contains all the necessary registration information should be arriving at alumni residences any day,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, the Seminary’s vice president for seminary relations. “We also have the brochure and registration form available on our Web site at, and we encourage alumni, spouses and widows to access the brochure and registration form there as well.”
The theme for this year’s reunions is “The Joys and Challenges of Ministry: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.” The presenters will be Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Scherer (Class of 1964), president emeritus of the Southeastern District of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod; Rev. Christopher R. Dodge (Class of 1979), senior pastor of St. Michael Lutheran Church, Bloomington, Minn.; and Rev. Thomas J. Zelt (Class of 1984), senior pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Fremont, Calif. Dr. John F. Johnson, president of Concordia Seminary, will deliver a plenary address updating alumni on the Seminary’s current status and future plans.
“While we have a lot of enjoyable activities planned for our alumni, their spouses and the widows of our alumni, we know that one of the primary attractions of these reunions is the renewing of friendships that were formed on this campus many years ago,” commented Thomas. “Our alumni also are very interested in seeing the changes that have occurred on the campus since they graduated. We are excited to show them the many ways God is blessing their alma mater.”
For more information about the 2004 alumni reunions, contact Alumni Relations at (314) 505-7370 or [email protected].