Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary to Host Second Day of Homiletical Reflection
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host its second Day of Homiletical Reflection on Wednesday, May 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The event is targeted towards pastors interested in growing in preaching, students involved in homiletical education, and others interested in joining the Lutheran Society of Homiletics. Registration for the Day of Homiletical Reflection is $10 and does not include meals.
Dr. Haddon Robinson, the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor of Preaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Mass., will be the main presenter, speaking on “Expository Preaching in a Biblically Illiterate Culture” and “First Person Expository Preaching.”
Robinson was named one of the 12 most effective preachers in the English-speaking world by a 1996 Baylor University poll. His homiletics textbook, Biblical Preaching, has been used by over 120 seminaries and Bible colleges throughout the world. He is most famous for his work on expository preaching, and recently has begun to integrate the use of narrative preaching into the expository form. Many know Robinson for his question, “What’s the Big Idea?,” which guides the preaching task in understanding the primary intention of a given biblical text for contemporary hearers. He is particularly concerned with presenting the Word of God in an imaginative, attractive and relevant way while remaining faithful to the biblical text.
Sectionals will include “Preaching Through Colossians” by Dr. R. Reed Lessing, assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; “Contemporary Application Through Narrative” by Prof. David Schmitt, assistant professor of practical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; and “Expository Preaching Live” by Rev. Darrell Zimmerman, pastor at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Brentwood, Mo. An interview of Robinson by Dr. Dale Meyer, professor of practical theology and occupant of the Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Chair in Homiletics and Literature at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will close the program.
The Day of Homiletical Reflection combines an interest in the Lutheran Society of Homiletics with the annual Wenchel Lecture. The Wenchel Lecture promotes critical thought about preaching and practical enhancement in this art. Prominent homileticians and preachers, from both within The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) and outside of it, have offered papers to the Seminary community. The Lutheran Society for Homiletics encourages critical thinking about homiletics, reflects upon current homiletical trends and theory, and enables pastors to learn from one another as they evaluate their own practice of preaching.
For more information, contact Dr. Glenn Nielsen at (314) 505-7211, [email protected] ; or the Office of Continuing Education and Parish Services at (314) 505-7123, [email protected] ; or visit the Seminary’s Web site at