Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Announces Lutherhostel 2004
“Listen, God Is Calling” is the theme for LutherHostel 2004 to be held Oct. 2-5 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. LutherHostel is an educational event for adults, age 55 and above, held every year at Concordia Seminary. Dr. R. Reed Lessing, assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will be the main presenter for the event.
Scheduled activities for LutherHostel 2004 will begin on Saturday evening with a western-style cookout. Additional activities include presentations by Seminary faculty, staff, retired clergy, and deaconesses, class visitation, student-led evening devotions, and visits to Concordia Historical Institute, KFUO Lutheran radio station and the Seminary bookstore. Tours of various Lutheran sites (International Center, Lutheran Hour Ministries) or St. Louis sites (Cathedral Basilica, History Museum) will be offered. An optional tour of the Lutheran historical sites in Perry County, Mo., is also available for LutherHostel participants on Oct. 6, immediately following LutherHostel.
“Our time will be spent looking at the Old Testament prophet Jonah and how God is calling him in his lifetime and how God is placing a similar call to us in our lifetime,” commented Lessing. “‘Proclaim, Pray and Praise’ will be the topics for our sessions. Be prepared to dig into the depths of God’s Word to more clearly hear God’s call upon our lives.”
Dr. Donald Miesner and Mrs. Wilma Miesner are the host couple for the event. In addition, Dr. Miesner, a guest professor at Concordia Seminary, will lead the Sunday morning Bible study.
The LutherHostel fee is $150 per person. Meals and refreshments for the event will be $140 per person. Housing is available on campus (on a limited basis for an additional cost) or in nearby hotels.
The next LutherHostel is scheduled for Oct.1-4, 2005, with an optional tour to Perry County, Mo., on Oct. 5. For more information about LutherHostel 2004, contact the Seminary’s office of continuing education at (314) 505-7123 or [email protected].