Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Mission Semfest for Convention Delegates a Huge Success
On July 10, over 2,000 Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Convention delegates and guests took part in Mission Semfest, held on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Participants enjoyed an evening of international foods and music in connection with The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Convention.
Activities included tours of the campus and the Seminary Expansion – the former Christian Brothers College High School campus (CBC) – as well as organ demonstrations in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. Over 500 delegates and their guests viewed the “Martin Luther – The Reformer Exhibit,” a special collection of images and artifacts from the Luther Museum in Wittenberg, Germany, displayed in Concordia Historical Institute on the Seminary’s campus. The Seminary’s Library had on display its recently acquired Smithey Collection of Reformation works. KFUO Lutheran Radio, the oldest religious radio station in the United States and located on the Seminary’s campus, provided music by the Bach Society, as well as other instrumentalists.
“Mission Semfest was an incredible event! The Convention delegates and their guests enjoyed a variety of international foods and music throughout the evening. Many people were able to see the Seminary campus for the very first time,” commented Lois Engfehr, director of communications at the Seminary.
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