Nov 19, 2004 Print This Article

Concordia Seminary Offers Ph.D. Options

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce a special option for Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) pastors interested in pursuing a graduate degree while continuing to serve in the pastoral ministry. Concordia Seminary’s Graduate School offers the option of pastors pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree first as a Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) program student through intensive course work completed either in the summer and/or winter (January terms).

As much as 36 credit hours of course work completed toward an S.T.M. would serve to fulfill one year of the two-year residency requirement for the Ph.D. A pastor then would have the option of either completing the S.T.M. or rolling over all relevant course work into the Ph.D. If a pastor elects to roll his credit hours over, one final year of residency would be required and is best completed during the dissertation phase of the program. The S.T.M. application deadline is Jan. 15, 2005.

Please refer to the 2004-2005 Academic Catalog, available on the Concordia Seminary Web site at or the Graduate School page on the Seminary’s Web site at For additional information, contact the Graduate School at (314) 505-7102 or [email protected].