Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Announces 2005 LutherHostel
“Joy in the Journey” is the theme for LutherHostel 2005 to be held Oct. 1-4 on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. LutherHostel is an educational event for adults, age 55 and above, held every year at Concordia Seminary.
Rev. Thomas R. Zehnder, former missionary to Japan and president emeritus of the Florida-Georgia District, will be the main presenter for the event. Thomas R. Zehnder graduated from Concordia Seminary in 1961. He was then assigned as missionary to the Japan Lutheran Church and as pastor of Izumi Lutheran Church, a Japanese congregation in Yokohama, Japan. Returning to the United States in 1970, Zehnder served congregations in Georgia and Florida. He served as president of the Florida-Georgia District from 1987 to 1997. He then served as pastor of King of Glory Lutheran Church,Williamsburg, Va., until retirement in 2001.
Zehnder is a member of the national Board of Directors of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and a staff associate for Wheat Ridge Ministries. He also serves as President Kieschnick’s representative to the LCMS Board for Mission Services and has contributed to various publications and journals.
Scheduled activities for LutherHostel 2005 will begin on Saturday evening with an Octoberfest dinner. Additional activities include presentations by Seminary faculty and staff, class visitation, student-led evening devotions and visits to Concordia Historical Institute, KFUO Lutheran radio station and the Seminary bookstore. Tours of various Lutheran sites (International Center, Lutheran Hour Ministries) or St. Louis sites (Cathedral Basilica, Forest Park/Jewel Box) will be offered. An optional tour of the Lutheran historical sites in Perry County, Mo., is also available for LutherHostel participants on Oct. 5, immediately following LutherHostel.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Miesner will serve as the host couple for the event. In addition, Dr. Miesner, a guest professor at Concordia Seminary, will lead the Sunday morning Bible study.
The LutherHostel fee is $150 per person. Meals and refreshments for the event will be $150 per person. Housing is available on campus (on a limited basis for an additional cost) or in nearby hotels. The next LutherHostel is scheduled for Oct. 7-10, 2006, with an optional tour to Perry County, Mo., on Oct. 11.
For more information about LutherHostel 2005, contact the Seminary’s Office of Continuing Education and Parish Services at (314) 505-7123 or [email protected].