Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Announces Fall Lay Bible Institute
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host its fall 2005 Lay Bible Institute from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday evenings, Oct. 19 and 26, and Nov. 2 and 9, in Sieck Hall on the Seminary campus. “Will Just Any ‘God’ Do? Isaiah’s Answer for the Question of Theological Pluralism” will be presented by William W. Carr, assistant professor of exegetical theology and director of academic programming at Concordia Seminary.
In this Lay Bible Institute offering, participants will explore how, throughout history, the human race has become increasingly confused about the nature of God, and address how theological pluralism poses a threat to Christianity. The class will briefly review the Old Testament and its overall treatment of the importance of knowing God, and will examine more closely how the book of Isaiah helps to answer the question: “Will Just Any ‘God’ Do?”
Carr has served on the Seminary faculty since 2001, and as director of academic programming since 2004. He served as assistant to the registrar from 2000 to 2001. Previously, he served as pastor of Nazareth Lutheran Church, Hopewell, Va., from 1983 to 1994, and was circuit counselor in the Southeastern District from 1991 to 1994. He received the B.S.E. degree from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, Fla. (1972), and the M.Div. (1983) and S.T.M. (1997) degrees from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
To register for the Lay Bible Institute, please call 314-505-7123 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or e-mail [email protected]. The cost is $25 per person and includes all handouts and refreshments. Concordia Seminary is located at 801 Seminary Place, in Clayton, Mo.