Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary to Host ECCE and ECCE Amplified for High School Youth
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will host two visitation events in July for high school youth. On July 19-22, the 10th annual Exploring Church Careers Event (ECCE) will be held on the Seminary campus, followed by ECCE Amplified on July 22-25. The two events are designed to identify, inform and encourage youth with respect to church work vocations.
The ECCE provides a unique opportunity for high school youth to participate in Bible study, worship, prayer and discussion and to visit with those who are currently serving in a variety of church work vocations. Additionally, youth will be able to gain college and Seminary information pertaining to each of the featured vocations.
On Saturday, July 19, ECCE participants will take part in campus tours, a barbeque in Luther Statue Park and social activities, such as sand volleyball and tennis. Events on Sunday include a special worship service in the Seminary’s Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus, and presentations by a variety of church workers. Activities culminate on Monday with presentations by staff from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) International Center. The event will also include opportunities to visit St. Louis area landmarks and attractions.
The ECCE Amplified is designed to provide an opportunity for those participants of the ECCE who feel that God may specifically be leading them to consider pastoral ministry or deaconess service. Participants will learn more about each of these specific vocations as they interact with current pastors and deaconesses. Participants will also take part in a Servant Event and attend a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game.
A $50 registration fee to attend both the ECCE and the ECCE Amplified is the only charge for youth, in addition to travel costs. All activities, meals during the event and on-campus lodging are provided at no cost to participants. Scholarships are available to ensure that travel costs do not prevent youth from attending. ECCE and ECCE Amplified registration is limited to 80 high school youth entering 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade.
The ECCE is made possible by a grant Concordia Seminary received to assist in the process of identifying, informing and encouraging high school youth toward service in church work careers. The grant is from the Lilly Endowment Inc., headquartered in Indianapolis, Ind.
For more information on the ECCE or the ECCE Amplified, or to request a registration form, contact the Admissions Office, Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105; [email protected]; (800) 822-9545. To register online, visit the Seminary’s Web site at