May 17, 2011 Print This Article

Summer Lay Bible Institute Announced

Concordia Seminary has scheduled a Lay Bible Institute for Saturday, August 20, from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. called “Are We Still Fighting the Crusades?” This workshop will be led by Dr. Paul Robinson, associate professor and chairman of the department of historical theology.

Crusade is still a powerful word. Whether applied to current armed conflicts or used as anti-Christian polemic, certain ideas and images of the crusades seem to be alive and well. But what were the crusades, really? This course will define crusade, examine the religious origins of the crusading movement, recount the conquest of the Holy Land (as well as its subsequent loss), and explore the expansion of the crusading idea beyond the Middle Ages.

The cost for the Lay Bible Institute is $20. To register or for more information, contact continuing education and parish services at 314-505-7486 or [email protected], or visit the Seminary’s website at