Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Former Seminary Re-Sell It Shop director enters rest

Mrs. Marlyn E. Graudin, longtime volunteer and former director of Concordia Seminary’s Re-Sell It Shop, was called to rest with Christ Monday, Dec. 28, 2015.
Graudin, wife of Professor Emeritus Dr. Arthur Graudin, received the Seminary’s Christus Vivit award in 2013 for her exemplary service to the Church.
“She was a most beloved member of our Seminary community,” said Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer. “For many years she directed the Re-Sell It Shop, lovingly supported her husband in his professorial and administrative duties, and was a regular worshiper at daily chapel.
“Many of us can clearly see her sitting on the bench, greeting us as we came to chapel and enjoying conversation. She is a wonderful example of the blessings that God gives His Church and Seminary in faithful fellow-followers of Jesus.”

Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer and Marlyn Graudin, who received the Christus Vivit award in 2013 for her exemplary service to the Church.
A funeral was held Jan. 5 at Ascension Lutheran Church in St. Louis, where she was a member.
The Seminary’s Re-Sell It Shop is an on-campus store that offers students and their families clothing, household goods, books, toys, games, sporting goods and holiday items at greatly reduced prices.
The Graudins married while he was a seminarian in 1949. Mrs. Graudin worked at the Lutheran Laymen’s League (LLL) when it was located at the current space of Concordia Publishing House (CPH).
After living in several locations (Marion, Ind.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Swissvale, Penn.; Seward, Neb.; Claremont, Calif.), the Graudins moved to St. Louis in July 1974. She attended Preachers basketball games, was a Seminary Guild member and volunteered at the Re-Sell It Shop for 20 years, from 1978-98, eventually becoming its director.
“Countless hours were dedicated to ensuring that students and their families would have clothing at a reasonable price,” according to her obituary. “Yearly, a large Christmas sale and furniture sale were held. Many current pastors and their wives recount how Mrs. Graudin helped them when they were struggling students.”
In 2000, the Re-Sell It Shop was “dedicated to the glory of God with thanksgiving for the tireless efforts” of Graudin, who was often known as “Mrs. G.”
“Marlyn was always dedicated to students and their families,” said Dr. Timothy Saleska, the Seminary’s dean of ministerial formation. “When I was a student, I remember that she always had a smile on her face and was always available to help students. She was deeply involved in the life of the community back then as well. Over the years, many have asked me how Marlyn was doing because she was an important part of their lives while they were here.”
She is survived by her husband; four children, Dave (Leslie) Graudin, Debbie (Rev. Andy) Keltner, Elisabeth (Rev. Michael) Teuscher and Mark (Julie) Graudin; eight grandchildren; four step-grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and three step-great-grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, memorials can be designated to The Lutheran Hour, Ascension Lutheran Church or Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.