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Alumni Reunion changes seasons

Concordia Seminary’s annual Alumni Reunion is making the move from the spring to the fall starting in 2017.

The 2017 Alumni Reunion is set for Sept. 21-22, 2017, and will include a revamped schedule, said Melodie Bostic, senior coordinator of alumni and congregation relations.

Typically, the Seminary’s Alumni Reunion is held in the spring but will now be held in the fall of each year. The event is being moved to coincide with the Theological Symposium. Next year’s Theological Symposium will be held Sept. 19-20 and will focus on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Graduates attending the Alumni Reunion will have the opportunity to arrive early and attend the symposium. Additionally, plans are in the works for some new off-campus events such as a St. Louis Cardinals game.

The Class of 1967 will be celebrating its jubilee anniversary. Graduating classes ending in “7” and “2” also will be honored at the 2017 event. More information will be posted online here [1] as it becomes available. Registration information will be mailed to alumni in the coming months.

Have questions? Please let us know by calling 314-505-7370 or emailing alumni@csl.edu [2].

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