Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Provost participates in debate

Seminary Provost Dr. Jeff Kloha participated in an Oct. 15 debate with Dr. John Warwick Montgomery, research professor of philosophy at Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, at Concordia University, Chicago, River Forest, Ill. The debate was titled “Textual and Literary Judgments on the Biblical Text–What Happens to the Lutheran Commitment to Scriptural Inerrancy?”
During the debate Kloha encouraged listeners to have confidence in the Scriptures, as the creedal church always has. “I have learned to yield respect and honor only to the books of Scripture,” Kloha said, quoting St. Augustine, “of these alone do I most firmly believe that the authors were completely free from error.”
Kloha’s 24-page paper, which he was not able to read in full because of time constraints, is available for download here: concordiatheology.org/2016/10/the-text-of-the-new-testament-october-15-presentation/.
The debate was sponsored by Lutheran Concerns Association, Balance-Concord, Inc., the Brothers of John the Steadfast, the Association of Confessing Evangelical Lutheran Congregations, Minnesota North Confessional Lutherans and Texas Confessional Lutherans.
“‘How precious is the book divine, by inspiration given.’ Don’t we love to sing that hymn?” Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer said. “Please visit www.concordiatheology.org to learn more about Concordia Seminary’s commitment to the Word of God. And, thank you, Dr. Kloha!”