Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Raabe retires after 35 years

A tremendous colleague and a faithful teacher. That was the overriding message during a special reception May 16 for retiring faculty member Dr. Paul Raabe.
Raabe, professor of Exegetical Theology, was celebrated at the reception held after chapel. After 35 years on the faculty, he retired at the end of the 2017-18 academic year. He will be moving to Arizona to be close to family and will be teaching biblical studies classes at Grand Canyon University. Raabe also was recognized during Commencement.
Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer presented him with an Emeritus Medallion for his service to the Seminary during Commencement. “You Paul, will be sorely missed,” Meyer said as the congregation gave Raabe a standing ovation.
Best wishes, Dr. Raabe!