Concordia Seminary Newsroom
‘Drop Your Nets And Follow Me’
New resource available to encourage church work careers

“Concordia Seminary is committed to meeting the needs of the church and as such considers it a top priority to recruit qualified ministry candidates and leaders in sufficient numbers to help fill vacant pulpits,” said President Dr. Thomas J. Egger. “We have instituted several initiatives to change the trajectory of enrollment, but this is not a feat we can accomplish on our own.”
The booklet is being sent to all rostered workers in the LCMS with the intention of supporting pastors, church leaders and laity as they strive to “be like Jesus and find people where they are in life and invite them to follow Jesus into professional ministry,” Glenn writes in the booklet. “We should look into the crowds of people in our congregations and encourage our brothers in Christ to take up the Office of Public Ministry and our sisters in Christ to become deaconesses.”
“This is not just about raising enrollment at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. It is about seeing more pastors and deaconesses for our beloved Synod’s congregations and missions, regardless of which of our seminaries they attend,” said Associate Provost Dr. Benjamin Haupt. “This booklet talks about how Jesus raised up the disciples so that the Good News of the Kingdom of God could be preached to all the world. Each and every member of the Kingdom is called to pray for more workers in the harvest fields. Additionally, Christians are invited to encourage each other to consider studying to become a servant of the Word.”
Along with the launch of a new podcast earlier this year, this booklet is part of the Seminary’s recruitment initiative in response to the LCMS shortage of pastors and other church workers and in service to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The booklet is available for download.
Those who would like to refer a prospective student to Concordia Seminary – one whom they believe God has gifted for ministry – are encouraged to complete a referral form.
To learn more about Concordia Seminary’s programs and admissions process, contact Enrollment at 800-822-9545 or admit@csl.edu, or visit csl.edu/admissions.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.