Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary presidential installation, inauguration set
Dr. Thomas J. Egger to be installed as 11th president

The inauguration will include a special address by Egger as he highlights his vision for the Seminary’s future. Dean of Ministerial Formation Dr. Timothy Saleska, who served as co-chairman of the presidential search committee, will present the new president during the inauguration. Rev. Todd A. Peperkorn, chairman of the Board of Regents, will perform the rite of inauguration. The ceremony also will include greetings from faculty, students and members of the civic community, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) schools and LCMS leadership.
The inauguration will follow the installation of Egger as president earlier the same day. He will be installed as president during the Opening Service for the Seminary’s 183rd academic year at 10 a.m. Friday in the chapel. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of the LCMS, will preach during the installation service and Dr. R. Lee Hagan, president of the LCMS Missouri District, will perform the rite of installation.
During the morning’s Opening Service, ordained members of the LCMS are invited to participate in the celebratory event by vesting with red stoles and joining the processional.
The inauguration and installation are open to the public. Both events will be live streamed at csl.edu/live.
“God’s mercy abounds anew with each passing year,” Peperkorn said. “As we begin this new chapter at Concordia Seminary, we remember with thanksgiving the many leaders who have gone before, and pray God’s blessings upon Dr. Egger as he takes on this important new role for the sake of Christ. To God alone be glory!”
Egger, a Seminary faculty member since 2005, was selected to receive the call to the presidency in February. He succeeds President Emeritus Dr. Dale A. Meyer, who retired June 30, 2020, after serving 15 years as president. Dr. Daniel Preus served as interim president until Egger began his duties in March.
Previously, Egger served as the Seminary’s Gustav and Sophie Butterbach Professor of Exegetical Theology, chairman of the Department of Exegetical Theology, associate professor of Exegetical Theology and the academic adviser for first-year students. He served as pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Storm Lake, Iowa, from 2000–05.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.