Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Registration now open for 31st Annual Theological Symposium
Sept. 21-22 event offered in-person, online

“I could not be more thrilled to bring the Theological Symposium back to campus for its 31st year,” said Erika Bennett, director of Continuing Education. “We have a great lineup of speakers, the LCMS Foundation-sponsored golf outing, a Seminary art exhibit and the annual Dr. Jack Dean Kingsbury lecture. In addition to the on-campus symposium, an online symposium experience also will be available for those who prefer to attend virtually.”
Thought-provoking plenaries and sectionals will help participants explore the possibilities of beauty for the life of the church and its witness in a world that still longs for redemption. Participants will discover how the arts can enrich ministry, inspire hope and surprise with joy.
Plenary speakers:
- Dr. David Schmitt The Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Professor of Homiletics and Literature, Professor of Practical Theology and Chairman of the Department of Practical Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
- James K. A. Smith Award-winning author, editor of Image journal and Professor of Philosophy and the Gary and Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology and Worldview at Calvin University
- Dr. Mark Mattes Professor of Theology and Philosophy and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Grand View University
- Dr. Dean Nadasdy President Emeritus of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Minnesota South District
Additional highlights include:
- Seminary art exhibit and reception
- Virtual new stained-glass windows chapel tour
- Sixth Annual Dr. Jack Dean Kingsbury Lecture in New Testament Theology with Dr. James W. Voelz, the Dr. Jack Dean Kingsbury Professor of New Testament Theology, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Golf outing:
Participants are encouraged to arrive in St. Louis a day early for a golf outing sponsored by the LCMS Foundation, Monday, Sept. 20. Space is limited for this free event and registration is required.
Registration and event information:
Early registration is available for in-person ($140) and online ($100) through July 17. After that time, the registration fee increases to $160 for in-person and $120 for online participants. Meals are included for in-person participants. Registration closes Aug. 31.
The symposium will feature a custom mobile app and pre-registration for individual sessions. For more information and updates, visit csl.edu/symposium or contact Continuing Education at 314-505-7286 or at ce@csl.edu.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.