Concordia Seminary Newsroom
‘Hoops for Hope’ alumni basketball set for Feb. 11
Games to benefit Christian Friends of New Americans

“Lessons learned at Pederson Field House have helped many pastors in their preparations for working and playing well with others. As the saying on the wall puts it, they’ve learned to be ‘modest in victory’ and ‘gracious in defeat,’” said Preachers Head Coach Dr. Peter Nafzger, who also serves as assistant professor of Practical Theology and director of Student Life. “The alumni game has become a great opportunity for pastors and future pastors to come together and share memories, relive the glory days and support an important ministry in St. Louis.”
The alumni basketball games will raise awareness and support for Christian Friends of New Americans(CFNA), an outreach ministry to immigrants and refugees in the greater St. Louis area. CFNA partners with local Lutheran congregations, schools, individuals and grant-giving foundations to provide programs and services to help immigrants and refugees resettle and thrive in the St. Louis community.
Alumni players interested in playing should register by Jan. 11. Questions should be directed to the Health and Wellness Coordinator at wellness@csl.edu.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.