Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Dear alumni

On Call Day, Tuesday, April 26, our concluding students will receive their first calls. They will be called to serve in a world that is again dominated by news of violence, war and strife.
At the end of February, Concordia Seminary held a special prayer service in the face of escalating war in Ukraine. We prayed for God’s help, protection and mercy. We prayed for the leaders of the world and for a peaceable end to the conflict. We prayed for the millions of people caught up in this war.
I’m sure that you, too, have been praying. Jesus told His disciples a parable about a widow and an unjust judge, to teach them that they ought always to pray and not lose heart. Keep on praying. Keep on praying. “Will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them?” (Luke 18:7 ESV).
As war and devastation continue in Europe, it may seem that God is deaf to our prayers. It may seem that God is slow with His help. In such times, Jesus invites us to keep on praying. In such times, Jesus repeats His promise to us: God will finally bring about justice in this world. An end to war and strife. The defeat of evil. The reign of peace and righteousness. The everlasting kingship of Christ.
And so, we pray. We await God’s answers along the way, and we long for His final answer at the reappearance of Jesus Christ. Swords into plowshares. Spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.
We at the Seminary are so grateful for the time we have had to prepare this year’s class of new pastors and deaconesses. We are so grateful for the partnership in the Gospel that we share with them and with you. We are so grateful for the ongoing work of our alumni, proclaiming the good news of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and teaching His people to pray and not to lose heart.
The Lord uphold you, dear friends. In a world of death and hopelessness, may the life-giving, hope-giving Gospel of Jesus be in your hearts and on your lips. Keep on praying, and do not lose heart!
In Christ’s love,
Dr. Thomas J. Egger