Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Seminary celebrates faculty authors
Books, articles published in 2021-22 highlighted

Faculty members from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis who have written or contributed to published books during the 2021-22 academic year were honored at the annual Concordia Seminary Author Reception May 17 in the Kristine Kay Hasse Memorial Library. The event was co-hosted by Concordia Publishing House.

Dean of Theological Research and Publication Dr. Erik Herrmann addressed the faculty, staff and other reception attendees.
“At the end of the [academic] year, it is our tradition to acknowledge and celebrate the published contributions of our faculty and writing staff. You are the finest group of colleagues one could hope for and just hearing about the kinds of things you are working on and produce always energizes and excites me,” Herrmann said. “Luther famously said that ‘every great book is an action, just as every great action is a book.’ So, it is with all of you – your actions and books are great gifts to the church.”
Seminary faculty and guests enjoy the faculty author reception. Pictured, left to right: Dr. Paul Robinson, professor of Historical Theology; Dr. William Schumacher, Buehner-Duesenberg Professor of Missions; Dr. Joel Elowsky, professor of Historical Theology; Dr. David Maxwell, Louis A. Fincke and Anna B. Shine Professor of Systematic Theology; and Rev. Earl W. Elowsky.The following faculty were recognized:
Dr. Abjar Bahkou, associate professor of Practical Theology, Shining the Gospel Light on the Quran: Understanding and Engaging Muslims. (Concordia Publishing House, 2021).
David Berger, professor emeritus, Seminex in Print: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Published Material and Selected Archival Resources for Historical Research. Compiled by David O. Berger with Daniel N. Harmelink. (Concordia Publishing House, 2022).
Dr. Joel Elowsky, professor of Historical Theology:
- Angelo DiBerardino. Ancient Christianity: The Development of Its Institutions and Practices. Forward and edited by Joel Elowsky, (ICCSPress, 2022).
- Creo en el Espiritu Santo in El Credo Comentado por Los Padres de la Iglesia, ed. Joel Elowsky. (Madrid: Ciudad Nueva, 2021).
Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, professor emeritus: “Jesus as Prophet in the Gospel Narratives” in A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels, Craig Evans and David Mishkin, eds. (Hendrickson, 2021).
Dr. Robert Kolb, professor emeritus, international research:
- “The Reformer as Reader: Luther’s Habitus of Reading,” in Gottes Wort und Gottes Dienst. Festschrift für Jorg Salzmann, Christoph Barnbrock and Achim Behrens, eds. (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2022).
- “Foreword” [an analysis of the scholarly work of Irene Dingel] in Vielfalt—Ordnung—Einheit. Kirchengeschichtliche Studien zur Frühen Neuzeit aus den Jahren 1997 bis 2015, Henning P. Jürgens, Christopher Voigt-Goy and Christian V. Witt, eds. (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021).
- “Gerhard Forde and the North American Reception of the Theologia crucis,” in Anstoß des Kreuzes. Kreuzestheologische ufbrüche im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert, Michael Basse and Christian Neddens, eds. (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2021).
- “Heinrich Bünting’s 1581 Biblical Itinerarium,” Lutheran Quarterly, 35 (2021).
- “Martin Luthers Rezeption in Nordamerika,” in The Global Luther: Confessional Lutheran Perspectives on Martin Luther’s Continued Influence Through 500 Years and on Five Continents, Werner Klän and Gilberto da Silva, eds. (Ruprecht, 2021).
- “The Wittenberg Impact on University Education and the Christian Liberal Arts,” in My Savior’s Guest. A Festschrift in Honor of Erling Teigen, ed. Thomas Rank. (Lulu Press, 2021).
Dr. David Peter, professor of Practical Theology: In View of God’s Mercy: Lenten Series Kit and In View of God’s Mercy: Holy Week Series Kit. (Creative Communications for the Parish, 2021).
Dr. Paul Raabe, professor emeritus:
- “Listen to What the Lord Has to Say: Sermon Study on Amos 7:7-15.” Concordia Pulpit Resources31/3. (Concordia Publishing House, 2021).
- “A Righteous Shepherd-King: Sermon Study on Jeremiah 23:1-6.” Concordia Pulpit Resources 31/3. (Concordia Publishing House, 2021).
- Review of Brandon D. Crowe, “The Hope of Israel: The Resurrection of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles.” Journal of Biblical and Theological Studies. Oct. 2021.
Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M., Werner R.H. Krause and Elizabeth Ringger Krause Professor of Hispanic Ministries:
- T&T Clark Introduction to Spirit Christology. (T&T Clark, 2021).
- “Theological Approaches to Migration: Their Impact on Missional Thinking and Action,” ed. Kirsteen Kim. Migration, Transnationalism, and Faith in Missiological Perspective: Los Angeles as a Global Crossroads. (Lexington Books, 2022).
- “Is It Time for Another Reformation Sola? Luther’s Two Kinds of Love and the Immigrant Other,” M. Daniel Carroll R., and Vincent E. Bacote, eds. Global Migration and Christian Faith: Implications for Identity and Mission. (Cascade Books, 2021).
- “Pneumatology of the Cross: The Promise of Spirit Christology for a Theology of the Cross,” Michael Basse and Christian Neddens, eds., Anstoß des Kreuzes. Kreuzestheologische Aufbrüche im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. LThG Bd. 3. (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2021).
- “Immigration and Theology of Vocation,” Dialog (2021): 1-8. DOI: 10.1111/dial.12688
- “What Sanctification Looks Like,” Christianity Today. CTPastors.com (Spring 2021), 14-15. Published in print as: “What Sanctification Looks Like: The Bible’s diverse narratives help us disciple those entrusted to our care.”
Dr. David Schmitt, Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Professor of Homiletics and Literature: Dean Nadasdy. The Beautiful Sermon: Image & the Aesthetics of Preaching. Conversations in Preaching Series, ed. David Schmitt. (Concordia Seminary Press, 2021).
Works with contributions from multiple faculty:
Dr. Joel Elowsky, professor of Historical Theology and Dr. David Maxwell, professor of Systematic Theology:Cyril of Alexandria: Commentaries on Romans, 1&2 Corinthians and Hebrews, Ancient Christian Text Series, ed. Joel Elowsky, trans. David Maxwell. (InterVarsity Press, 2022).
Simul: Inquiries into Luther’s Experience of the Christian Life, Torbjörn Johansson, Daniel Johansson, Robert Kolb, eds. (Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, June 2021).
- Dr. Erik Herrmann, professor of Historical Theology: “Luther and the Importance of the Hebrew Heritage for His World of Thought”
- Dr. Robert Kolb, professor emeritus, international research: “Old Adam, New Martin. The Fatal and Resurrecting Consequences of Baptism in Luther’s Use of Romans 7”
- Dr. Timothy Saleska, professor of Exegetical Theology, “The Clarity of Paradox. A Meditation on Exodus 34:6–7”
One of the Holy Trinity Suffered for Us: Essays in Honor of William C. Weinrich, ed. James Bushur. (Luther Academy, 2021).
- Dr. Bruce Schuchard, professor of Exegetical Theology: “The Chronology of the Passion in the Gospel According to John”
- Dr. James Voelz, Dr. Jack Dean Kingsbury Professor of New Testament Theology: “A Deep Sounding of the Greek of John’s Gospel: Critical Features of John’s Language in John 1-6 and 18-21”
Teaching the Reformation: Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Wengert, Martin Lohrmann and Luka Ilic, eds. (Fortress, 2021).
- Dr. Erik Herrmann, professor of Historical Theology: “Evangelical Grammar: Luther, the Genitive, and the Gospel”
- Dr. Robert Kolb, professor emeritus, international research: “Joachim Mörlin, Architect of Concordist Theology”
For more information, contact Theological Research and Publication at 314-505-7117.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.