Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Professor Emeritus Graudin enters rest
Served the church as professor, scholar, missionary, pastor

Visitation is scheduled for 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, June 30, at John L. Ziegenhein & Sons Funeral Home, 7027 Gravois Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116. The funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, July 1, at Ascension Lutheran Church, 5347 Donovan Ave., St. Louis, MO 63109. Any pastor in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) who would like to vest in a red stole during the funeral should arrive at the church by 9:45 a.m.
Graudin faithfully served the church as a professor, scholar, pastor and missionary.
“Dr. Arthur Graudin was a humble man and served the church and the Seminary in whatever capacity was needed,” said Seminary President Thomas J. Egger. “He made many, many contributions to our church’s life. But what I will especially remember is his quiet presence in our chapel pews during his retirement years. Art’s regular presence at our chapel services was always an encouragement.”
Graudin retired from the Seminary in 1997 after 23 years of distinguished service as associate professor of Exegetical Theology and placement counselor. He served as director of Resident Field Education (1978-81, acting director 1984-85), acting dean of student life (1981-83) and acting director of vicarage (1989).
Before joining the Seminary faculty in 1974, Graudin served as missionary-at-large in Marion, Ind. (1950-51); pastor at St. James Lutheran Church in Marion (1951-56); assistant professor at Concordia College in Milwaukee, Wis. (1956-58); pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Swissvale, Penn. (1958-61); assistant professor and dean of students at Concordia Teachers College High School in Seward, Neb. (1961-64); missionary-at-large in Claremont, Calif. (1964-65); and pastor at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Claremont, Calif. (1965-74).
Graudin, who was born in Philadelphia, received his Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Concordia Seminary (1956) and his Doctor of Religion (D.Rel.) from the School of Theology in Claremont, Calif. (1972).
His published works include the book Mark’s Portrait of Jesus as Teacher (Claremont School of Theology); the “Sermon Series” in Concordia Theological Monthly; “The Lutheran Confessions and the Old Testament” in Concordia Journal; and a collection of sermons for The Concordia Pulpit. He was a frequent contributor of book reviews and sermon studies in Concordia Journal.
He also served several LCMS entities including the Commission on Church Literature, the Advisory Committee on Doctrine and Conciliation, and the Board of Doctrinal Review/Commission on Doctrinal Review.
In almost all of his correspondence, Graudin used the closing, “In the Master’s service.” After being placed in hospice care last week, he told one of his children: “I’ll see you in heaven.”
“His life bore witness to this confidence in Jesus Christ, a confidence that he expressed to the end, a confidence that we share with him because of our Lord’s death and resurrection,” Egger said.
Graudin was preceded in death by his wife, Marlyn E. Graudin (nee Bangert), a longtime volunteer and former director of the Seminary’s Re-Sell It Shop; and a son and daughter-in-law, Dave and Leslie Graudin. Survivors include three children: Debbie (Rev. Andy) Keltner, Elisabeth (Rev. Michael) Teuscher and Mark (Julia) Graudin; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; six step great-grandchildren; and two step great-great-grandchildren.
Memorial contributions may be made to Ascension Lutheran Church or the Concordia Seminary Food Bank or Preachers basketball team.
To watch a livestream of the service, visit Ascension’s website at ascensionstl.com and click “watch live” under the resources tab. The service also can be viewed at a later time on Ascension’s YouTube channel.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.