Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Opening Service Aug. 26 ushers in 184th academic year
New students, installations, vicarages, internships among celebrations

Set for 10:30 a.m. CDT Friday, Aug. 26, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will hold the Opening Service for its 184th academic year in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. Dr. Thomas J. Egger, Seminary president, will preach on 1 Thess. 2:1-12 and introduce the new academic year theme, “Sharing the Gospel—Sharing our Lives,” which is drawn from the eighth verse of that Scripture passage.
The service will conclude a week of orientation for the Seminary’s new students, which includes residential and distance students in both the Ministerial Formation and Advanced Studies departments.
Also during the service, distance students enrolled in the Specific Ministry Pastor Program, Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology, Center for Hispanic Studies, Cross-cultural Ministry Center and Online Deaconess Studies Program will be recognized for their vicarage and internship assignments.
“As a new school year begins, I want to welcome our new students into our Seminary family. I am looking forward to meeting each of you and getting to know you personally,” said Dean of Ministerial Formation Dr. Timothy Saleska.“Through Baptism, our Lord has graciously adopted us as His children and brought all of us into His family. At Concordia Seminary, we celebrate this news and center our lives in the living hope that it gives. Here, we have the blessing of growing together in faith as we learn how to live lives faithful to our Lord and to the people who we are called to serve. I pray that in this new year, each of our students will embrace each day as an opportunity to grow closer to our risen Lord and Savior and to each other.”
The Seminary’s new provost and professor of Exegetical theology, Dr. Ronald Mudge, will be installed during the service. In addition, three new staff members and three current professors will be installed into new positions. One visiting professor also will be recognized.
The public is invited to attend this event and to celebrate the beginning of a new academic year with new and returning students and their families, faculty and staff. The service also will be live streamed.
Everyone is encouraged to help share in the celebration of a new academic year by using #sharingthegospel and #sharingourlives on social media.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.