Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Dear alumni

November. The flowers have faded and withered. The leaves are crumpled and falling. It is the season of harvest and thanksgiving, but also the season of nature’s death and dormancy. In the church, we celebrate All Saints Day and the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed. We remember those who have died in the faith, fallen asleep in Jesus, and who now rest from their labors. And it is the season of Last Things, when Christians are reminded to live in watchfulness and hope: Jesus is coming again soon.
Here at Concordia Seminary, this November will bring the celebratory dedication of nine beautiful new stained glass windows throughout our chapel, including a depiction of Christ’s crucifixion in the south transept, His resurrection in the chancel above the altar, and His exaltation and enthronement in the north transept. The windows are a generous gift from the Eugene E. and Nell S. Fincke Memorial Trust. With vivid colors the windows confess our living hope. Our dear Lord, crucified for us and risen from the grave, is coming again soon, enthroned in glory forever.
The theme of the windows is Te Deum Laudamus (“We Praise You, O God”), capturing in their imagery both the saving work of Jesus as well as the blessed fellowship we have with all those, throughout the ages, who have shared this living hope in the world’s only Savior. “The glorious company of the apostles praise You … the goodly fellowship of the prophets … the noble army of martyrs … the holy Church throughout all the world does acknowledge You.”
What a blessing it is, day after day in our chapel, to receive Christ’s gifts and to join together with the saints and angels of God in joyous hope and praise. For Jesus is coming soon! “We believe that You will come, to be our judge. We therefore pray You to help Your servants, whom You have redeemed with Your precious blood. Make them to be numbered with Your saints, in glory everlasting.”
Friends, may this gracious, mighty, praiseworthy God continue to sustain you. While the world groans and withers around us, we believe that Christ is making all things new. So don’t lose hope. Don’t give up. Let us run our race with perseverance and do our work with joy. Let us love others and serve others, as Jesus has loved and served us. Let His praise be continually on our lips. He is coming soon! And the fruits of our labors will endure forever, and the harvest of God will be brought in. So much joy awaits us in Jesus!
In Christ’s love,
Thomas Egger