Concordia Seminary Newsroom
‘DOMINUS: The Advent of the Son of God in the Gospel of Mark’
New Advent Sermon Series explores Jesus’ dominion and lordship

Marveling at the One who came to be Redeemer and Lord is the focus of the 2022 Advent Sermon Series, “DOMINUS: The Advent of the Son of God in the Gospel of Mark,” from Concordia Seminary Press, the publishing arm of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The series, now available as a downloadable PDF, includes four sermons drawing from the Gospel of Mark which emphasizes Jesus’ dominion over spiritual powers.
“Today, while the world is perfectly happy with a sentimental, harmless Christmas baby, the Gospel of Mark presents us with something different,” said the series author Dr. David Lewis, professor of Exegetical Theology and director of the Master of Divinity and Residential Alternate Route Programs at the Seminary. “Immediately in Chapter 1, Jesus is declared the Son of God, anointed by the Spirit and thrown into battle against Israel’s enemies — the devil, sin and death.”
The sermons in “DOMINUS: The Advent of the Son of God in the Gospel of Mark” invite listeners to consider Jesus during Advent and Christmas in a way the world does not. Lewis contemplates what Luther says in theLarge Catechism, “I believe that Jesus Christ true Son of God has become my Lord. What is it ‘to become a lord’? It means that he has redeemed and released me from sin, from the devil, from death … those tyrants and jailers have now been routed, and their place has been taken by Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, righteousness, and every good blessing …”
“With the advent of the Son of God, the dominion of these spiritual powers is defeated,” Lewis said. “We are freed so that He alone can become our Lord.”
The downloadable PDF is available for $14.95 in the Seminary’s online store. A sample of the Advent sermon series also is available.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.