Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary Press publishes second title in preaching series
Volume examines value of expository preaching

Does expository preaching have a place in Lutheran homiletics? Professor of Practical Theology Dr. David Peter demonstrates and affirms the value of expository preaching in his new book, Opening the Scriptures: Expository Preaching in the Lutheran Tradition, the second title in The Conversations in Preaching Series from Concordia Seminary Press, the publishing arm of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
“We are delighted to publish Dr. Peter’s book on expository preaching, our second book in The Conversations in Preaching Series. Expository preaching has a long tradition in the church, including a place of central importance in the Reformation,” said Dr. Erik Herrmann, dean of Theological Research and Publication. “I am confident that rediscovering how expository preaching can shape Lutheran preaching today will be a blessing to preachers and hearers alike.”
In Opening the Scriptures, Peter offers readers a method for expository preaching that centers on Christ, honors the Lutheran fundamentals of preaching and captures the art of the expository style. Four key components for the expository sermon are examined in detail: expositing the text, proclaiming Law and Gospel, evoking the imagination and connecting with the hearers.
The book includes three sample sermons to demonstrate expository preaching in action.
Peter has been a Seminary faculty member since 1998. As a professor of Practical Theology, he teaches courses in homiletics, pastoral ministry and pastoral leadership. He also serves as dean of faculty and as Alumni Relations Advisor.
Each book in The Conversations in Preaching Series concentrates on one topic relevant to the preaching task. The series is made possible by The J. Ernest and Elsie Schneider Endowment for Excellence in Relevant Preaching at the Seminary. The first title in the series, The Beautiful Sermon: Image and the Aesthetics of Preaching, by Lutheran theologian and scholar Dr. Dean Nadasdy, was published in 2021.
Opening the Scriptures: Expository Preaching in the Lutheran Tradition is available in paperback for $19.95 in the Seminary’s online store and Amazon.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.