Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Ordination, commissioning anniversaries celebrated
Ceremony recognizes 410 combined years of service

The Concordia Seminary, St. Louis campus celebrated significant ordination and commissioning anniversaries of seven faculty, three emeriti faculty and two staff members Nov. 30 in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. In total, the honored faculty and staff have served the church a combined 410 years.
In his sermon, President Dr. Thomas J. Egger acknowledged the service of the honored faculty and staff.
“If we were to list their accomplishments and accolades for these honored ones among us, it would be an impressive list,” Egger said. “But what indelibly marks their many years of service – what eternally marks their many years of service – is not personal greatness but the great name in which they bear and in which they serve, the name of Jesus, our great Lord, the Lamb of God, the Messiah.”
After the chapel service, the honorees were recognized individually, followed by a time of prayer, thanksgiving and celebration in Wartburg Hall.
Faculty recognized for their ordination anniversaries were:
- Dr. Abjar Bahkou, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, 25 years
- Dr. Joel Biermann, the Waldemar A. and June Schuette Professor of Systematic Theology, 35 years
- Dr. Joel Elowsky, the Frank and Valerie Fuerst Professor of Historical Theology, 30 years
- Dr. Kevin Golden, Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology, 20 years
- Dr. Peter Nafzger, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, 15 years
- Dr. Glenn Nielsen, Professor of Practical Theology, 40 years
- Dr. Timothy Saleska, the Gustav and Sophie Butterbach Professor of Exegetical Theology, 40 years
Emeriti faculty recognized for their ordination anniversaries were:
- Dr. Bruce Hartung, Emeritus Professor, 55 years
- Dr. Robert Kolb, Emeritus Professor, 50 years
- Dr. Robert Weise, Emeritus Professor, 40 years
Staff recognized for their ordination and commissioning anniversaries were:
- Dr. Alan Borcherding, Director of Research, Assessment and Academic Programming, 35 years
- Director of Christian Education Caitlin Dinger, Administrative Assistant for Distance Programs, 25 years
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.