Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Concordia Seminary’s Give STL Day campaign raises record $51k
Gifts were matched dollar-for-dollar up to the first $10k raised

In a campaign that culminated Thursday, friends and supporters of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis stepped up once again to advance the work of the church through Give STL Day, an online giving event organized by the St. Louis Community Foundation for the benefit of nonprofits headquartered in the St. Louis area.
The Seminary raised $51,445 from 294 donors, more than doubling its goal of $25,000 and breaking its previous Give STL Day record set in 2022. Gifts were matched dollar-for-dollar up to the first $10,000 raised.
“Two small words — thank you — carry a mountain of gratitude. We are humbled at the generosity of our donors, and we marvel at the depth of their love and support for our students and the mission of Concordia Seminary,” said Vicki Biggs, senior vice president of Seminary Advancement and chief communications officer. “Thank you to everyone for giving so generously on Give STL Day. You make our mission possible.”
Early giving began April 10 at the Give STL Day site, by phone and on the Seminary’s website. In celebration of the 10th year of Give STL Day, the St. Louis Community Foundation extended the annual giving day an extra 10 hours. The campaign officially ended at 10 a.m. May 11, giving donors 10 extra hours to make an impact for Concordia Seminary’s important mission.
Funds raised will help the Seminary further its mission of preparing pastors, deaconesses, missionaries and other church leaders for service in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod across the country and around the world.
“Give STL Day may be a local day of giving, but we received support from donors nationwide,” added Megan Duncan, manager of annual giving and Give STL Day campaign manager. “The impact of these friends in their support for the mission of Concordia Seminary is immeasurable.”
To learn more about the Seminary’s annual giving days, visit csl.edu/giving-days. To make a gift, call 800-822-5287 or csl.edu/give.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.