Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Author reception honors Seminary faculty
Books, articles published in 2022-23 highlighted

Faculty members from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis who have written or contributed to published books or other publications during the 2022-23 academic year were honored at the annual Concordia Seminary Author Reception May 16 in the Kristine Kay Hasse Memorial Library. The event was co-hosted by Concordia Publishing House.
Dean of Theological Research and Publication Dr. Erik Herrmann addressed the faculty, staff and other reception attendees, saying: “An enormous amount of work is represented here in this room, and I congratulate all of you. Philip Melanchthon famously said, ‘An uneducated theology is an Iliad of ills.’ This academic year’s publications display once again how Concordia Seminary’s community of pastors and scholars encourage, educate and engage the church and world with the gifts of the Gospel.”
The celebrated authors included:
Dr. Joel Elowsky, Professor of Historical Theology, “Moses in Patristics and Iconography/Images,” Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online (Brill, 2022).
Dr. Benjamin Haupt, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, ed. Hans Joachim Iwand on Church and Society: Opened by the Kingdom of God. Christian Neddens, Michael Basse Gerard den Hertog, anthology eds. Christian Einertson, trans. (Bloomsbury Publishing / T&T Clark, 2023).
Dr. Erik Herrmann, Professor of Historical Theology, “On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520),” How the Reformation Began: The Quincentennial Perspective, Anna Marie Johnson and Nicholas Hopman, eds. (Pickwick Publications, 2022), 62-71.
Dr. Robert Kolb, Professor Emeritus:
- Trans., The Freedom of a Christian: A New Translation, Martin Luther (Crossway, 2023).
- “The Development of Wittenberg Ecclesiology,” Luther and Philosophies of the Reformation, Boris Gunjević, ed. (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023), 89-117.
- “Martin Luther’s Homiletical Toolbox,” Lutheran Preaching? Law and Gospel Proclamation Today, Matthew C. Harrison and John T. Pless, eds. (Concordia Publishing House, 2023), 60-67.
- “Martin Luther as Prophet: the Portrayal by Cyriakus Spangenberg,” Servant of Christ’s Church. A Festschrift in Honour of John R. Stephenson, James A. O. Preus, Stephen K. Preus and Thomas M. Winger, eds. (Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2023), 66-80.
- “Magdeburg as a Bridge From Reformation to Orthodoxy,” Proslogion 6, 2, ed. Andrey Yu. Prokopiev (Sikfaya-Print, 2022), 238-260.
- “Justification in the Preaching of the Late Reformation Lutherans,” Dienst an der Kirche durch Wort und Sakrament. Theologie und Kirche in konfessioneller und ökumenischer Verantwortung, Werner Klän and Michael Schätzel, eds. (Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht, 2022), 171-182.
- “The Person of Christ in Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Theology,” Common Places in Christian Theology. A Curated Collection of Essays, Lutheran Quarterly, Mark C. Mattes, ed. (1517 Publishing, 2023).
Dr. Richard Marrs, Professor of Practical Theology: Haciendo Más Cristocéntrica La Consejería Cristiana. Spanish translation of Making Christian Counseling More Christ Centered. Roberto Weber, ed., Luz Kramer, trans. (Amazon Publishing, 2023).
Dr. David Peter, Professor of Practical Theology:
- Opening the Scriptures: Expository Preaching in the Lutheran Tradition (Concordia Seminary Press, 2022).
- Organizing for Ministry and Mission: Options for Church Structure (Concordia Publishing House, 2023).
Dr. Ely Prieto, Associate Professor of Practical Theology: “Aconselhamento como porta para a missão,” Aconselhamento Pastoral: Reflexões e Práticas sob a ótica da Cruz, (Editora Concórdia, 2022).
Dr. Bob Rosin, Professor Emeritus, “Luther and Church Revisited,” Luther and Philosophies of the Reformation, Boris Gunjevic, ed. (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023), 59–87.
Dr. Timothy Saleska, Professor of Exegetical Theology: “What Has Ecclesiastes to Do With Theology,” What Has Ecclesiastes to Do With … ? Johnson T.K. Lim, ed. (Word & Works, 2022), 169-179.
Dr. Bruce Schuchard, Professor of Exegetical Theology: The Word from the Beginning: The Person and Work of Jesus in the Gospel of John (Lexham Press, 2022).
Dr. Mark Seifrid, Senior Professor of Exegetical Theology: “Noch eine Kritik der historischen Kritik: Erwägungen zur neueren anglo-amerikanischen Hermeutik,” Heilige Schriften in der Kritik: XVII. Europäischen Kongress für Theologie, Konrad Schmid, ed. (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2022), 321-330.
Dr. James Voelz, Graduate Professor of Exegetical Theology, “The Greek Profiles of Codex Vaticanus and of Codex Bezae in the Gospel according to Mark: Features of Verb Morphology and Usage,” The Variety and Importance of the Scriptural Witnesses to the so-called ‘Western’ Text, Essays in Honour of Jenny Read-Heimerdinger (Brill, 2023).
Multiple authors
The Alien + the Proper. Luther’s Two-fold Righteousness in Controversy, Ministry and Citizenship, (1517 Publishing, 2023).
Dr. Charles Arand, Professor of Systematic Theology
Dr. Joel Biermann, Professor of Systematic Theology
Dr. Robert Kolb, Professor Emeritus
Dr. Timothy Saleska, Professor of Exegetical Theology
Dr. William Schumacher, Professor of Historical Theology
Luther’s Large Catechism with Annotations and Contemporary Applications, John T. Pless and Larry M. Vogel, eds. (Concordia Publishing House, 2023).
Dr. David Adams, Professor of Exegetical Theology
Dr. Charles Arand, Professor of Systematic Theology
Dr. Joel Biermann, Professor of Systematic Theology
Dr. Gerhard Bode, Associate Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Thomas J. Egger, President, Professor of Exegetical Theology
Dr. Joel Elowsky, Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Erik Herrmann, Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Robert Kolb, Professor Emeritus
Dr. Paul Raabe, Professor Emeritus
Dr. Paul Robinson, Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Henry Rowold, Professor Emeritus
Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M., Professor of Systematic Theology
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.