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Alumni Reunion set for Oct. 12-13

The annual Alumni Reunion  [1]for graduates of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis will be held Oct. 12-13 on campus. This year’s reunion extends a special welcome to members of the jubilarian class of 1973; the silver anniversary class of 1998; and graduates, spouses and widows of class years ending in “3” or “8.”

The reunion provides an opportunity for alumni and spouses to reconnect, reminisce and celebrate. It also offers time for alumni to reacquaint themselves with the beautiful Concordia Seminary campus and the global ministry taking place at their alma mater.

“The annual Alumni Reunion is a joyful occasion for welcoming home our graduates,” said Vicki Biggs, senior vice president of Seminary Advancement and chief communications officer. “The entire campus community joins together in welcoming our alumni back to campus and in celebrating the bonds that unite our graduates in their service to the Gospel. With an agenda that includes interesting presentations mixed with plenty of free time for connecting with one another, we invite our alumni to plan to return to their alma mater to reconnect, reminisce – and see what’s new!”

On the evening of Oct. 11, the eve of the reunion, an inaugural alumni soccer game will take place with alumni versus the current Seminary Preachers team. Alumni interested in playing should sign up [2] in advance of the reunion.

Additional highlights of this year’s reunion include:

Registration for the reunion is $150 per person for two days or $85 per person for one day. Registration may be made online [5] or by mail addressed to Alumni Relations at the Seminary. The deadline to register is Friday, Sept. 22.

A limited number of rooms for lodging are available at the nearby Cheshire-Saint Louis [6] with a special group rate of $120/per night, available through Friday, Sept. 22. Hotel reservations may be made online [7] or by calling 314-647-7300. Be sure and refer to the Concordia Alumni Block.

Alumni interested in connecting with their classmates through individual class gatherings may contact Alumni Relations for assistance with arrangements. For more information, call 314-505-7626 or write to alumni@csl.edu [8].

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) [9]. To learn more, visit csl.edu [10].

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