Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Rockenbach co-authors book on unforgiveness
Publication explores journey to forgiveness

Breaking the endless cycle of unforgiveness is the focus of a newly published book co-written by Concordia Seminary’s Dr. Mark Rockenbach, associate professor of Practical Theology. Unforgivable? How God’s Forgiveness Transforms Our Lives explores the journey from unforgiveness to forgiveness through a Christ-focused approach.
Rockenbach co-authored the book, published by Concordia Publishing House, with Ted Kober, a Certified Christian Conciliator™ who has taught reconciliation worldwide.
“Our book Unforgivable? is intended to show how God’s forgiveness transforms people’s lives and frees them from the cycle of unforgiveness,” Rockenbach said. “Each chapter of the book addresses common questions about unforgiveness and provides a biblical approach for each question. The cycle of unforgiveness can only be interrupted by godly forgiveness that was accomplished by the shedding of Christ’s blood and His joyous resurrection.”
Rockenbach has been a faculty member since 2014. His areas of expertise include pastoral care, Christian counseling, gender dysphoria, forgiveness and reconciliation, congregational conflict and congregational field research.
Since 2005, Rockenbach has served The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a hearing facilitator. He has been a conflict intervention team member for Ambassadors of Reconciliation in Billings, Mont., and worked as an executive for the LCMS Nebraska District for church worker health and reconciliation.
He is a regular speaker at conferences presenting on a variety of topics, including conflict reconciliation, “The Practical Theological Framework,” “Care for Souls as a Seelsorge,” “Unforgivable? How God’s Forgiveness Transforms our Lives” and “Godly Response to Gender Dysphoria.”
Rockenbach and Kober “are well qualified to lead you on the not-so-easy journey from unforgiveness to forgiveness,” writes Seminary President Emeritus Dr. Dale A. Meyer in the book’s forward. “They write clearly and to the point. The content is laid out in short paragraphs, with space that invites you to think about what you’ve just read and jot notes on the page. The authors’ regular encouragement to write about unforgiveness and forgiveness will help you focus your struggles.”
“Unforgivable? How God’s Forgiveness Transforms Our Lives is available for purchase at amazon.com or at cph.org.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.