Jul 05, 2024 Print This Article

Prevallet Hymn Competition winners announced for 2023-24

Three Concordia Seminary, St. Louis students have been chosen as winners of the 2023-24 Pamela Anne Prevallet Hymn Competition. Hymns written by the student were selected based on theological strength, technical poetical soundness, freshness of imagery, structural strength and aptness for liturgical use.

“It was a joy to see this year’s submissions come in! Most of the entries were composed by students who attended the Prevallet Hymn Writing Workshop, a Saturday-morning event we began a few years ago to equip students with the basics of composing hymnic verse,” Vieker said. “For many, the annual Prevallet workshop and competition have become an opportunity to learn more about writing hymns and then to give it a try themselves. Others have gone on to develop and hone their craft, producing some wonderful new hymns for the church to sing, and that is very exciting!”

The 2023-24 competition winners are:

  • Jacob Moede, second-year Master of Divinity student, “When All Was Naught”
  • Henry Eising, second-year M.Div. student, “When Paradise in Order Stood”
  • Tyler Martin, first-year M.Div. student, “O Creator, Uncreated”

The competition was created in 2000 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Prevallet to encourage church music and liturgical musical excellence. The Prevallets established an endowment at the Seminary, named in memory of their daughter, Pamela Anne, to support the competition. From birth until her death at age 23, Pamela Anne was unable to speak but she loved to listen to music and hymns played by her mother, a church organist for 40 years, and any willing house guest who would play the piano or organ for her.

The competition is open to current first-year, second-year and vicarage-year Master of Divinity (M.Div.) students and Master of Arts (M.A.) Deaconess Studies students.

The adjudicators included Professor of Systematic Theology Dr. David Maxwell, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Practical Theology Dr. David Schmitt, and Associate Professor of Practical Theology and Dean of Chapel Dr. Jon Vieker. All hymns were anonymously judged.

The hymns, which are available for individual or congregational use, can be found on the Seminary’s website.

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.